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There’d be no Sonic without 16 bit spirites. No Tomb Raider without the GPU 600nm. No Angry Birds without touch-screens and no Fortnite without the internet.

Gaming innovation and technology have always been inseparable.

But who will look back and say “There would be no Game X without blockchain”?

Chain Mutation is here to make that Game X. Not a normal game with NFT add-ons and crypto enabled shopping and badges. But a game where the whole idea is built on blockchain and smart-contract functionality. Where crypto inspires new play patterns and concepts. Where blockchain is essential to play. Games driven, shaped and owned by their player community.

Call it Chain-Native, call it Block-Integral. We choose to call it a DAG - a Decentralized Autonomous Game- because, to us, all the technology in the world can’t replace the most essential ingredient: the player and owner community.

That’s where you come in. Join us. A project-based community of veteran game designers, crypto kids, artists and players willing to jump in and experiment so together we can find and make that game that will go down in history and be remembered as the first true Game On The Chain: The Breakout of blockchain. The Call-Of-Duty of crypto. The Street Fighter of smart contracts.

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